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Crouching Tiger

30% off Mains at Crouching Tiger for 1 to 6 people

Regular price $3.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 NZD
Sale Sold out
Arrival Time
Table Size

Crouching Tiger

Enjoy 30% off Mains for the selected amount of guests at your chosen time and date.

3 Kitchener St, Martinborough, Wairarapa 5711

Website | Email  | Ph:+64 6 306 6215 


  • "Mains" may be sold under different names (i.e. Large Plates, etc). To avoid any confusion, please check with your server for eligible dishes.
  • May not be combined with any other voucher, deal, discount or promotion.
  • Gift certificates or in-store credit cannot be used as payment at the Venue.
  • Additional guests beyond the scope of the booking may join a table only with Venue consent and will not receive the discount.
  • To change the date, time, or number of guests, please contact the Venue. Amended bookings do not receive the discount.
  • Host Responsibility, licensing and government regulations always apply. Supervised licenses require guests under 18 to be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
  • 1-4 person tables are limited to 75 minutes; 90 minutes for tables of 5-6x.
  • Bookings from 8:00pm may not ready on arrival. Please be patient as the staff reset the table for your booking.
  • TABLE30 donates $1 of the booking fee to St. John or Wellington Free Ambulance based on the location of the Venue.