Donations FAQ
1. How it works:
We donate $1 from each booking fee.
2. Which New Zealand Charities?
Wellington Free Ambulance for Venues located within their service area. St. John Ambulance for everywhere else in New Zealand.
3. When do we make the donations?
We disburse our donations from our booking fees sold during a calendar month on the 20th of the following month.
4. Celebrate with us!
During June 2024 we will host our first Table30 Donations party. Our Top Venues from each Region will be invited to join and will receive awards and certificates for their participation with Table30.
6. Whose name are the donations made on behalf of?6.1 All donations are made on behalf of Table30, a Kiwi Koupon Limited company, with an attached list of the participating Venues names whose bookings we sold.
6.2 Venues receive a certificate stating the total amount donated to Charity from Koupons sold associated with their business.
6.3 Venues can display their certificates on premise, share on social media and/or their website, and use them for additional Public Relations opportunities.
6.4 Individuals who purchase bookings and venues who associate with Table30 do not receive a charitable donation tax receipt.